DevSecOps Bootcamp 2023 Download

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File Name DevSecOps Bootcamp 2023 Download
File size 3.1 GB
Publisher techworld-with-nana
update and Published 2023

Stand out and 10x your value with this in-demand skills. Cybercrime is expected to cost companies 10.5 Trillion annually. With the rate of attacks increasing, the demand for DevSecOps skills is at an all-time high. Be recognized as a top tech professional and land high-paying jobs

You will be able to
Drive adoption of DevSecOps at your company
Automate security checks to prevent workflow bottlenecks
Detect, visualize, analyze and remediate security vulnerabilities
Secure AWS Cloud and write secure IaC
Secure Kubernetes cluster with automation and security best practices

You will learn
Various Security Scanning Tools, like GitLeaks, Semgrep, njsScan, RetireJS, Zap, Trivy, TFSec
Secrets Management with Vault, KMS
Various DevSecOps tools: DefectDojo, Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, InSpec
Concepts and Tools for Observability, GitOps, Cloud Security, Image Security
Compliance as Code, Policy as Code
Roles and Responsibilities in DevSecOps in practice

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