Ben Settle – 10 Part Ben Settle E-Mail Writing And Marketing System Audio Training

Ben Settle – 10 Part Ben Settle E-Mail Writing And Marketing System Audio Training   Free Download Latest . It is of Ben Settle – 10 Part Ben Settle E-Mail Writing And Marketing System Audio Training   free download.

Ben Settle – 10 Part Ben Settle E-Mail Writing And Marketing System Audio Training  Overview

Without e-mail, my business would be non-existent. E-mail marketing is the only way I make money online.

And if you’d like to ramp up your sales by as much as 100%, 200%, even 300% (or more)… using simple little emails you can type out in 5-10 minutes (or less), then this special $597 offer is one you don’t want to miss.

That’s Ben Settle at the top of this page. He’s been my go to copywriter for the last decade. He’s written and edited five sales letters for me.

Ben’s e-mail copy has sold tens of thousands of dollars of products over the years.

Ben’s copy has been one of the best investments of my business career.

He’s the most serious student of copywriting that I’ve ever met.

One time, he read one book on copywriting 23 times!

He’s also a high paid direct response copywriter and email marketing specialist.

Some of his clients have included Ken McCarthy (7-figure email marketer, and Internet marketing “pioneer”)… Mike Dillard (multi-million dollar info-marketer who also has consulted Robert Kiyosaki’s website team)… and Captain Chris Pizzo (world leader in the hyper-competitive self defense niche).

He’s also currently re-writing emails for CarbonCopyPro — one of the Internet’s biggest marketing education and resource companies.

Anyway, why is this important for you?

Because Ben and I have created a 10 part audio interview series revealing the his most profitable email secrets know to the marketing world.
