Justin Goff – The 13 Most Profitable Email Hooks Of All Time

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Because I didn’t have templates to use…
Or a list of proven ideas to swipe from…
So some days I’d start writing and half way through the email I’d realize it sucked, and I’d scrap the whole thing and start over…
Other days I’d write a couple sentences, get stuck, and then proceed to scroll Instagram for the next 20 minutes…
I probably wasted a good 3 hours every week racking my brain trying to come up with ideas for my emails.
So it was incredibly frustrating…
And a huge waste of time…
Over the last few years, I got serious about studying which emails did well to my list (and which ones didn’t).
In fact, I recently combed through the data of nearly 4300 emails I sent in the last ten years (in a variety of niches) and I made a list of the hooks that seemed to work over and over again.

Homepage:  https://www.justingoff.com/13-most-profitable-email-hooks-ive-ever-seen