Gumroad – Enhancing 3D models with Stable Diffusion A.I

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File Name Gumroad – Enhancing 3D models with Stable Diffusion A.I
File size 1.1 GB
Publisher Gumroad
update and Published 2023

The use of 3D human models (human scales) is a common practice in the field of architectural visualization (Archviz), as it provides a better perception of the size of our scene. However, it is no secret that the vast majority of these 3D models lack realism, especially when it comes to the representation of the face and hair. The use of these models, on many occasions, completely ruins a render by subtracting from its realism. So much so, that using 3D models in the foreground is unthinkable, and learning mattepainting for the integration of human elements in 2D is not a viable option either, since it involves hours of study and practice to master it.

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